Gerald Crabb

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"God likes quality time with His children"

So often at four a.m. I wake up...wide-awake.  Nothing wrong, no worry, no pain, I just wake 
up.  I look at the clock.  Sure�s four a.m.  I remember when this first started 
happening.  I would get so frustrated.  I wondered, "Why am I waking up at four a.m?  I 
would rather be sleeping."  Then it dawned on me.  Jesus wants to talk and He wants 
quality time.  He wants more than just a few minutes that I can spare here and there 
throughout the day.  He wants my full distractions, no cell phone, no 
computer, no T V, no music...just me, Him and silence. That is the best time to listen. The 
Lord brought to my attention a story in I Samuel chapter three. Samuel as a young man 
kept waking up thinking that the priest Eli was speaking to him.  But it wasn�t the priest.  
Finally the third time Eli said, "If you hear this voice again just say, 'Speak Lord for thy 
servant heareth'."  Wow!  Is it not awesome that the God of earth and glory would wake us 
up and want to talk to us?  How personal is that?  Throughout the life of Christ He always 
found time to talk to His Father.  Even if He had to send the multitude away, He would.  He 
would let nothing take the place of quality time with the Father.  The next time you wake up 
and you wonder could be that Jesus just wanted someone to talk to and He chose 
you.  Is that not awesome?

Keep Reading The Book,